
As a Christian, I seek to live into the challenge and beautiful balance of grace and growth.

Grace: There is nothing I could do to have earned God’s love; there is nothing I can do to make God love me more; and there is nothing I could do that would cause God to love me less. When I live on the basis of anything other than God’s grace, I live under the pressure to prove my worthiness, and I groan under the worry that I do not measure up.

Growth: The Christian life involves growing in the likeness of Christ. The world has had its full of people who claim the title Christian but show nothing of the compassion, integrity, and humbleness of Jesus. If a Christian is one in whom Christ is living, then we should expect to see Christ’s character growing in a Christian, or the person should admit that he or she is in it merely for the privilege of owning the title “Christian.”

The Christian life is the delicate balance of both grace and growth. I want to be driven by nothing less than God’s grace, and I want my experience of God’s grace to prompt me toward increased growth in Christ’s likeness.

i have been married for over 40 years. I serve as pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Sun City, Arizona. I love to hike in the beauty of God’s creation

One response to “About”

  1. Tammy Kraus says :

    Hello! I am the Assistant Training Coordinator at Austin Disaster Relief Network, a network of 200 churches that help those recovering from disaster. In one of the courses that we train volunteers in, we would like to use the fish in a fish photo to depict that things aren’t always what they seem. Do you hold the copyright to this photo (on your Aug 20, 2018 blog post)? If so, can you email me so that I can provide you with more information? If not, do you know who holds the copyright?
    Thank you for your time, and God bless your blog ministry!

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